This year we spent Thanksgiving with Michael's family. We decided that we would trade off each year, rather than trying to fit in two dinners in one day. However, circumstances this year allowed us to have Thanksgiving with both families because my family moved their dinner to Friday. My Grandma Anderson has been ill, she went back to the hospital on Monday and we knew that she would not be with us for much longer. She passed away on Thanksgiving day. It was such a sweet experience to be with her this week. We as a family have been so

comforted during this time and feel so fortunate to have had such an amazing grandma. She was able to have all of her grandchildren come to see her this week and told us of her love. My cousin made it back in town Thursday morning, just a few hours before she passed away. My grandma loved her family and all of us grandchildren. We will miss her and think of her often. This experience has truly given us the chance to pause and reflect on how fortunate we are to live during this time and to live close to family. I will treasure this last week that I spent with my grandma for the rest of my life. I truly feel thankful and blessed for all the tender mercies that I have witnessed at this time. I hope you all also had a special Thanksgiving holiday.
I am very sorry to hear about your Grandma. I always loved her and spending time up at the cabin with her. My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this time.
- Courtney
HEY YOU!! I'm sorry about your grandmother but like you said in your testimony, it was a blessing and it's always good when family can be together.
I have enjoyed getting to know you! You're a beautiful person. LOVE YA!
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